
Down on the Farm Village (0-18 months)


singplay_bigredbarn_logo_toddlermusicclass_kindermusik-283x58 (1)

Quack, Moo, Oink, we are going to the Farm! This Kindermusik program combines two Kindermusik themes.
For the first four weeks we explore Old Macdonald, packed with fun animal themed activities that emphasize focus, listening, discrimination, memory and cognition.
The next four weeks we travel to the Big Red Barn, where we explore the sounds and movements of animals, play instruments and learn about loud/quiet, fast/slow. Get ready for the farm its sure to be an oink-tastic time!

Home Materials: Two sets of Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be! Babies will also receive a instrument!

45 Minute Class
8 Week Program and 2 sets of @home digital materials!

Cost: $150 +HST

Children under 3 months can attend classes for FREE. Just pay the cost of the @home materials. Please email us at [email protected] to reserve your space and to let us know that you have an infant attending.

Saturdays 11:00-11:45 am Taelor Jan 16
Tuesdays 11:00-11:45 am Natalie Jan 19
Wednesdays 9:45-10:30 am Sommer Jan 20
Thursdays 11:00-11:45 am Taelor Jan 21
Fridays 10:00-10:45 am Natalie Jan 22


Peas and Carrots Village (0-18 Months)

cuddlebounce_peascarrots_logo_babymusicclass_kindermusik-283x58 Yum! Yum! Are you hungry? In Peas and Carrots we’ll have fun moving, singing and playing as we explore snacks, meals, cooking and mm mm eating! We’ll focus on patterns, helping babies learn to explore, understand and anticipate the world around them. So get ready to play in the kitchen, its time for some deliciously fun activities!

Home Materials: All new Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be! Babies will also receive a instrument!

45 Minute Class
7 Week Program

Cost: $130 +HST

Children under 3 months can attend classes for FREE. Just pay the cost of the @home materials. Please email us at [email protected] to reserve your space and to let us know that you have an infant attending.

Saturdays 11:00-11:45 am Sommer Nov 14
Tuesdays 11:00-11:45 am Natalie Nov 3
Wednesdays 9:45-10:30 am Sommer Nov 4
Fridays 10:00-10:45 am Natalie Nov 6


Bluebird, Bluebird – Babies- Ages 0-18 months

cuddlebounce_bluebirdbluebird_logo_babymusicclass_kindermusik-283x88Chirp! Tweet! Quak! Bluebird, Bluebird is a sound rich flight into the sky where you will explore birds, feathers and the outdoors. The naturally occurring sounds in nature help babies develop an early appreciation—and accelerated aptitude—for language, movement, and music in this class. Learn delightful songs and be introduced to movement activities and vocal play that relate to our “feathered friends.” Birds from around the world are featured in songs, dances and poems.

Home Materials: All new Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story “Birds of a Feather: Book of Poems” that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be! Babies will also receive a chime ball.

45 Minute Class
7 Week Program

Cost: $130 +HST

Children under 3 months can attend classes for FREE.  Just pay the cost of the @home materials.  Please email us at [email protected] to reserve your space and to let us know that you have an infant attending.

Saturdays 11:00-11:45 am Sommer Sept 12
Tuesdays 11:00-11:45 am Natalie Sept 15
Wednesdays 9:45-10:30 am Sommer Sept 16
Fridays 10:00-10:45 am Natalie Sept 18


Music and Dance Camp (4-6 years old)


For Children 4-6 years old!

Children will spend 3 hours in the morning at ‘Harmony is’ participating in our Music and Movement Program. After a lunch break we will head down the hallway to ‘The Dance Element’ for 3 hours of ballet, hiphop, acro, jazz and crafts.

During the music program we will explore music through rhythm, beat, pitch and melody. Learning music through movement and playing a variety of percussion instruments..both in solo and ensemble experiences.

Please send your child with 2 peanut free snacks, and a lunch, as well as a labelled water bottle. Children are asked to wear comfortable clothes with their hair pulled back into a pony tail. Specific dance shoes and dance attire is not required. Children must be toilet trained.

5-day Program
Cost: $225 + HST

Mon-Fri (5 days) 9:30- 4:30 Shaaron July 13-17



World Autism Awareness Day

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness day. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that is a result of a neurological disorder. Many children with Autism have impairments in social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communications and experience restricted repetitive behaviours and interests.

Music Therapy is an effective way to break the verbal barriers that challenge those with Autism. Music is nonverbal and nonthreatening and can be used to facilitate certain behavioural, verbal and social goals. Many people with Autism show signs of musical inclination through perfect pitch and musicality which music therapists use to gain a verbal or nonverbal connection.


March is Music Therapy Month

March is Music Therapy Month! Music Therapy is the skillful use of music and musical elements by an accredited music therapist to promote, maintain and restore mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual health (adapted from the CAMT).

At ‘Harmony Is’ we have a team of three music therapists who provide individual and group music therapy programs at our Milton studio and throughout the Halton and Peel regions. Our music therapists provide services to Long Term Care Facilities, Adult Group Homes, Community Living Day Programs, Palliative/Respite Care Programs and in School Classrooms. We also provide Speech Supported Music therapy (individual and group) under the supervision of a Speech/Language Pathologist.

To celebrate Music Therapy Month Music therapists from all over Canada will be marching in or around their hometowns to raise awareness and support for music therapy. Our team of Music Therapists and other Music Therapists in the GTA will be participating in the March for Music Therapy in Burlington Ontario. This is an open event on Sunday March 29th from 2:00-5:30 pm starting at the Beaver and Bulldog in Burlington. For two kilometers we will be marching to the beat of many drums, then joining together at the Beaver and Bulldog pub for live music, snacks and raffles. If you are interested in joining please register online through

Hope to see you there :)


Imagine That: Out and About (Ages 3-5 yrs)


Out & About is a trip into the world of imagination, and all you’ll need to pack is a sense of adventure! We’ll ride bikes, hike in the mountains, scuttle like crabs, and fly like seagulls. Singing, instrument play, creativity, and movement all bring the learning to life.


Day Time Starts Teacher
Saturdays 10:15-11:00 am May 9 Sommer
Wednesdays 5:30-6:15 pm May 27 Sommer
Fridays 10:00-10:45 am May 29 Natalie

Home Materials: All new Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story “Lets Go Froggy” that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be! Children will also receive an instrument

5 Weeks   (please note that the Saturday class will not occur on May 23rd or June 6th)
Cost: $117+HST


Kindermusik for the Young Child -Semester Four (5-7 year olds)

In this final semester, we’ll introduce the recorder instrument. As your child is introduced to basic methods of playing simple melodic patterns and songs on this wind instrument, we’ll also incorporate the instruments, concepts, and songs from previous semesters. With a special emphasis on multicultural music, your child will learn to improvise and write music, as well as experience the musical styles of the Pacific Islands, Europe, and Africa; plus engage in special dances and children’s games from around the world, including Alpine regions, Mexico, and Ecuador. Semester Four graduates are given the opportunity to perform as a group at the ‘Harmony is’ year end music recital in June.

Home Materials: Children’s Folder with stickers, games bag, Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook, Home CD of music from class, dulcimer and dulcimer carrying case.

15 Week Program 
$295 + HST

**If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, please pay the deposit to hold your space, and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final price for you.

Mondays 5:45-6:45 pm Shaaron Feb 23

Parent/Caregiver joins for the final 15 minutes


Stay Tuned for Spring!



We are working on some fantastic programs for Spring!  Please check back soon.

You may register for any of our current programs at a prorated cost if there is space in the class. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions!!

See you soon!


Stay Tuned for Summer!


We are working on some fantastic programs for Summer!  Please check back soon.

You may register for any of our current programs at a prorated cost if there is space in the class. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions!!

See you soon!


Village ‘Rhythm of My Day’ (Babies Newborn-18 months)

Rhythm of My Day

Come move to calypso music! This class will help you bring more rhythm and routine to your baby’s day, as well as help develop lasting learning skills. We’ll show you how and tell you why music can help your little one soothe into the day’s schedule and help build a strong body and mind network for learning. You can bring home those same stress-free play and relaxation techniques from class, and incorporate them into your daily routines.

At Home Materials: CD of beautifully arranged songs from class, a ‘Rhythm of My Day’ picture board book, a set of Art Banners, and an instrument for music-making at home.

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Parent/caregiver is present during class.

7 weeks

*If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, or if your child is under 3 months of age, please pay the deposit to hold your space and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final cost for you.

Day Time Teacher Start Date
Monday 10:30am Sarah March 23
Tuesday 11:00am Natalie March 24
Wednesday 9:45 am Sommer March 25
Wednesday 6:30 pm Sommer March 25
Thursday 11:00 am Cindy March 26
Saturday 11:00am Cindy March 21


Up in the Sky for Families with Multi-Aged Children (Newborn-6 yrs)

Spring is finally here, and we can feel it in the air! Join us for ‘Up in the Sky’ where we celebrate Spring: fly like a bird, drift with the clouds, dance under the stars and blow with the wind spinning kites and streamers. The infinite sky of day and night inspires us to reach for the sun and stars!

Home Materials: All new Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story “Mister Sun” that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be!

5 Week Program

$117 + HST for one child
$67 + HST for each sibling

Children under 6 months can attend for FREE with an older sibling. Please email us at [email protected] if you are bringing an infant to class with you.

Saturday 9:00-9:45 am Cindy May 23
Monday 9:30-10:15 am Sarah May 25
Thursday 11:00-11:45 am Cindy May 28
Friday 11:00-11:45 am Natalie May 29


Our Time: Up in the Sky (18 Months-3 Yrs)

Spring is finally here, and we can feel it in the air! Join us for ‘Up in the Sky’ where we celebrate Spring: fly like a bird, drift with the clouds, dance under the stars and blow with the wind spinning kites and streamers. The infinite sky of day and night inspires us to reach for the sun and stars!

Day Time Starts Teacher
Saturdays (FT) 9:00-9:45 am May 23 Cindy
Saturdays 10:00-10:45 am May 23 Cindy
Mondays (FT) 9:30-10:15 am May 25 Sarah
Tuesdays 9:45-10:30 am May 26 Natalie
Wednesdays 11:00-11:45 am May 27 Sommer
Thursdays (FT) 11:00-11:45 am May 28 Cindy
Friday (FT) 11:00-11:45 am May 29 Natalie

Home Materials: All new Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story “Mister Sun” that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be!

5 Week Program
Cost: $117 + HST, Siblings $67+HST
Children under 6 months are free when attending the Family Time (FT) classes with a sibling – please email us to let us know an additional sibling will be attending with you


Cities! – (For Children 3-5 years old)


In this unit, sidewalks, elevators, skyscrapers, and world-traveling photographers are the theme. Learning through the pretend play that preschoolers adore, we’ll be rhythmically busy playing storytelling games and handcrafting city “buildings” from boxes at home so we can make a cityscape in class! Plus every activity has some at-home adaptations so the parent can take part in the learning. With a pair of resonator bars as a featured instrument, and a multicultural, jazzy collection of music, preschoolers will develop the social and intellectual skills they’ll need in school.

Home Materials: Two books-Razupazu Toto and Down Our Street, Cities! Game Board Set, Two Home CDs-collection of multicultural and jazzy music heard in class, Family Activity Book, and a pair of resonator bars as the featured instrument.

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Parent/caregiver joins for the final 15 minutes of class.

14 weeks

*If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, please pay the deposit to hold your spot, and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final cost for you.

Day Time Teacher Start Date
Wednesday 5:30 pm Sommer January 21
Friday 10:00 am Natalie January 23
Saturday 10:15 am Sommer January 17


Fiddle dee dee


Fiddle-dee-dee — We’ll meet many animal characters in our books, activities, and songs-each specifically chosen for a toddler’s emerging interests and physical skills. With silly, bumpy lap bounces we’ll help toddlers develop rhythm while further developing their ever-emerging language skills. With a special stringed instrument emphasis in the music from class, parents can bring home the violin, cello, and orchestra sounds to help their toddlers stay happy and engaged learners at home, too.
Home Materials: Double CD featuring songs from class; two interactive storybooks-This Little Piggy Played the Fiddle and Animal Serenade to develop early literacy skills; Home Activity Book, and a pair of Fiddlestick instruments.

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Parent/caregiver is present during class.

14 weeks

*If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, please pay the deposit to hold your space, and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final price for you.

Day Time Teacher Start Date
Tuesday 9:45 am Natalie January 20
Wednesday 11:00 am Sommer January 21
Thursday-FT 10:00 am Cindy January 22
Friday -FT 11:00 am Natalie January 23
Saturday-FT 9:00 am Cindy January 17
Saturday 10:00 am Cindy January 17


Family Style (For Families with siblings newborn-6 years)

Family Style This program is a specially adapted version of Kindermusik’s traditional ‘Fiddle-dee-dee’ curriculum. The animal theme is expanded to include activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers alike, not to mentioned activities for the whole family together!  With a  special stringed instrument emphasis in the music from class, parents can bring home the violin, cello, and orchestra sounds to help their children be happy and engaged learners at home, too.

Home Materials: Double CD featuring songs from class; two interactive storybooks-This Little Piggy Played the Fiddle and Animal Serenade to develop early literacy skills; Home Activity Book, and an instrument for each child over 6 months

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

14 weeks

First Child : $250+HST (deposit accepted to reserve a space)

Additional Siblings:$145+HST

*Children under 6 months are FREE when accompanying siblings. Please email us at [email protected] to let us know if infants will be attending with you

*If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, please pay the deposit for each child over 6 months to hold your space, and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final price for you

Day Time Teacher Start Date
Thursday 10:00 am Cindy January 22
Friday 11:00 am Natalie January 23
Saturday 9:00 am Cindy January 17


Rhythm of My Day – Village (Babies newborn-18 months)

Rhythm of My Day

..and in March

Come move to calypso music! This class will help you bring more rhythm and routine to your baby’s day, as well as help develop lasting learning skills. We’ll show you how and tell you why music can help your little one soothe into the day’s schedule and help build a strong body and mind network for learning. You can bring home those same stress-free play and relaxation techniques from class, and incorporate them into your daily routines.

At Home Materials: CD of beautifully arranged songs from class, a ‘Rhythm of My Day’ picture board book, a set of Art Banners, and an instrument for music-making at home.

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Parent/caregiver is present during class.

7 weeks

*If you already have the At Home Materials for this class, or if your child is under 3 months of age, please pay the deposit to hold your space and contact us at [email protected] to adjust the final cost for you.

Day Time Teacher Start Date
Monday 10:30am Sarah March 23
Tuesday 11:00am Natalie March 24
Wednesday 9:45 am Sommer March 25
Wednesday 6:30 pm Sommer March 25
Thursday 11:00 am Cindy March 26
Saturday 11:00am Cindy March 21


Village: Peekaboo! (newborn-18months)


A house with a baby is full of love. (And fun…… and toys…..and noise!) Peekaboo! peeks into the ‘1,2,3 punch’ patterns of repetition, anticipation and surprise. Have fun leading the babies in class with vocal play, sensory exploration and learning through play.

At Home Materials include: Kindermusik @Home Digital Materials including music from class, musical activities and the story that can be printed for use at Home, or downloaded onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and accessed wherever you may be! Babies will also receive a instrument!

5 Week Program

Cost: $117 + HST

Saturdays 11:00-11:45 am Taelor May 28
Tuesdays 11:00-11:45 am Natalie May 24
Wednesdays 9:45-10:30 am Taelor May 25
Fridays 10:00-10:45 am Sommer May 27


Welcome To ‘Harmony is’ Milton!

We are excited to have you join us! ‘Harmony is’ offers a variety of music opportunities for all ages and abilities. We hope to use our blog to keep you up to date on news and events, from our Kindermusik family, our music students, and the music therapy community. Stay tuned for great ideas on how to use music in your own home, to read inspirational stories of music in the community, and learn about the latest in music therapy research.

“Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.”
-lyricist Yip Harburg (“Over the Rainbow”)

Kindermusik Connection: Listening Skills

Listening skills provide the foundation for all aspects of language and reading development. In Kindermusik, we help your child develop active listening skills that she needs for later school success. When your child starts elementary school, she will spend an estimated 50 to 75 percent of classroom time listening to the teacher, to other students, or to media. In Kindermusik, we help your child develop her listening skills. That’s why along with singing, dancing, and instrument exploration, children gather around to listen to the sounds of the bath, an elephant, cat, or other specially chosen sounds. She is learning to understand and make meaning out of the sound. In other words, she is learning how to be an active listener. (That doesn’t mean her “listening ears” won’t fall off when you ask her to pick up her toys!)

How Can I Enhance Listening at Home?

Go for a Sound Walk. Ask your child what he hears. Does he hear the geese flying overhead? What about the leaves crunching beneath his feet? Is that an ambulance or a baby crying? Point out sounds you hear and see if he can hear them, too….enjoy!

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